Archive for January, 2013

I’ve already explained how Americans have been lulled into communism today. I’ve already tried to spread the world about the coming of the gun grabbing. I’ve already exposed Barrack Obama and his handlers plans to bring America to her knees. The problem is, I’m only one man, I’ve only got one voice. This blog you’re reading only receives a very limited number of readers. If you read this blog or others of the same ilk and close your browser and go back to your life, keeping your head down and your mouth shut, then this is all for nothing. We need to stand up and speak out and make sure that big brother knows we will not sit down and take our medicine. A great American once said, “There is only one way to guarantee peace, and you can have it in the next second. That is to surrender,” that man was Ronald Reagan and he was right.

I average about forty views per post over a weeks time, if those forty people each spread the word to forty more people then we can make a difference. I say all of this because I’m tired of hearing people discredited for speaking out about the possibility of disarmament of the people. I’m tired of hearing people say it won’t happen. I’m tired of hearing people call supporters of the second amendment crazy. I’m tired of hearing the lies and propaganda from Washington. Do you really believe that they won’t take our guns?

In 2005 in New Orleans, after Katrina, members of the National Guard were sent in and ordered to go through at night and kick in doors and confiscate weapons from everyone. They did this in the flooded areas, but they also did it in the areas that were high and dry. Everywhere from the poorest neighborhoods to the richest. They did not knock, they did not ask nicely, they did not warn. They came around and kicked doors down, as they were asking if anyone needed assistance, then they ordered the residents to surrender their firearms. If they did not comply they were to be killed on the spot, no trial, no due process, no Miranda rights. I’m not making this up, this is straight from the mouth of a member of the 45th Infantry division from the OK National Guard. He said that he was so young at the time and that he was so dedicated to the military that he would have done anything that he was ordered to do. How many of our men and women would do the same? I’m guessing quite a few.


The Democrats’ idea to avoid raising the debt ceiling by inventing a trillion dollar platinum coin has got me thinking. If they are seriously considering this as a viable option they must be hard up for good ideas, so I’ve decided to lead them a hand with a few ideas of my own on a few issues.

First the problem of government spending. Lets start by getting Congress to actually pass a budget. This may be a stretch but I was just thinking that if they were to pass a budget based on the actual amount of money they have coming in, we might not continue spending like it’s not their money. I know this idea is a little extreme since it is their job and all but it may help.

I also have some ideas to help fit all of the entitlement spending into this theoretical budget. Lets take welfare for instance. We could make it mandatory that people excepting welfare work. They should have to present their pay stub or stubs every month. If they fail to meet this requirement we give them a government job, on a road crew, or repairing government housing, or cutting grass, or picking up trash at a park, or whatever we can find them. For the people who have a child and have to get a check to support that child we will help them, because everyone makes mistakes, then we will also teach them about birth control. If they have another child and need more help raising those children, we will consider it child abuse and take those children and find parents that can take care of them. You want kids? get a job and take care of them. When it comes to food stamps, we reimburse grocery stores to put up special signs or some type of marker to signify which products can be purchased with the EBT card. We limit the recipient to the basics, no Little Debbie’s, no pricey cuts of meat, no expensive exotic fruits, and since the liberals are on their health kick why not limit them to healthy foods and no “sugary drinks”, no “sugary cereals”. I’ve went over my thoughts on disability and the like before so I’ll move on.

One of the hot topics today is gun control to try and limit mass shootings, and I’ve got the solution. First we take anyone who has sworn an oath to protect the constitution and has actively tried to limit the right to own a firearm and we try them as a traitors to the constitution. Since we already stopped rewarding single mothers for popping out an endless supply of government dependents, which is a big part of the problem, I think having less neglected youths will really help with the angry, mentally disturbed teens. Furthermore we should have a police officer in every school, and he/she needs to be armed with the standard issue sidearm, taser gun, pepper spray, and hand cuffs, because the people who commit these murders always chose a place that they know won’t have anyone who can stand up to them. They do this because they want to feel in control of these people, they decide who lives and who dies, an armed officer in the building will prevent them from fulfilling their fantasy.

I’ve also got an idea for gay marriage. Quite simply really, lets make a compromise. Let the jokers get married, just give it a different name so that marriage is still man and woman. Let them have their benefits, what harm can it cause? Some Christians would say that legalizing gay marriage would cause America to lose God’s favor, but honestly letting gays play house won’t change anything for any straight people. Whether they are married or not they will still be doing what they do, but if the Republican Party stops dictating what people can do with their lives, something we like to attribute to liberals, we may win an election.

If you have any ideas of your own you can share them with the whole world in the comment section down below, who knows you might come up with a gem like the trillion dollar coin!



Today I’d like to discuss the “ten planks of communism” as Karl Marx wrote them in his “Communist Manifesto”. Marx wrote his manifesto in 1848 after being exiled from Paris for his radical ideas in 1843, only to be exiled from Cologne again 1849. He wrote these ten planks as a sort of guide to tearing down a free enterprise system to replace it with a system of all-powerful omnipotent government. So it could be assumed that if these are a guide for establishing a communist society they could also be used to test whether a society has become communist or not, which means if all ten are in effect and in force, then we are all practicing communism, whether we like it or not.

1.) Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

The federal government already owns 1/8 of the total land in the United States. The rights of private individuals to property in America are already being eroded, through taxation, escheat (the state taking over ownership of property if the property owner dies without a will), eminent domain (which does say the government can’t seize private property without payment, but you still don’t have a choice in turning over the property), police power (which relates to things like zoning codes, air and land traffic regulations, and health, safety, and sanitary regulations, these usually are put forth for “general welfare” and while some make sense others are needless intrusions of property rights). It’s with the police power that private property rights are being obviously ignored by the state and local governments, such damaging political action often reduces the owner’s property value without just compensation.

2.) A heavy progressive or graduated income tax

Here in the United states we might know this plank as paying your “fair share” as it has been renamed by our People’s Commissar In Chief. You know that whole thing about the rich needing to pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes (graduated income tax) because…. well he never really says why, but I’m sure there is a really good reason that those people deserve to keep their hard-earned property less than you do. Sounds familiar, does it not?

3.) Abolition of all rights of inheritance

This is known as the Federal & State Estate Tax and limited inheritance due to arbitrary inheritance tax status. The socialists hate private wealth and they believe the thing that makes a nation great is its spending, so if it lets people decide where their money is spent then its a waste. Which is funny because that’s exactly what Barrack Obama said about what makes America great.

4.) Confiscation of all emigrants and rebels property

In America we call this government seizures, tax liens, Public “law” 99-570 (1986); Executive Order 11490, section 1205, which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of “terrorists” and those who speak out or write against the “government” (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process. Asset forfeiture laws are used by DEA, IRS, ATF, etc.)

5.) Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly

We would know this as the Federal Reserve which is a privately owned credit/debt system allowed by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) another privately owned corporation. The Federal Reserve banks issue fiat paper money. (money that gets its value from the government basically just saying, “OK this piece of paper will be $20” and doesn’t have a real world value, basically the same as monopoly money)

6.) Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State

Right here in the good ole U S of A we would know this as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated through the ICC Act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, the Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive Orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver’s licenses and Department of Transportation regulations.

7.) Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan

This is what we call the Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture the difference being that the US government has exchanged “controlled or subsidized” for “owned”. This plank is seen in these as well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.

8.) Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture

In America we have the Minimum Wage and slave labor like dealing with our trade partner Communist China. We see it in practice via the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. Then we have the socialist unions who will do anything to stay in power and have been known to be at the beck and call of the man occupying the office of the president, and are willing to fight in the streets when directed to do so.

9.) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country

This can be recognized as the Planning Reorganization act from 1949, zoning and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 and Public law 89-136. These provide for forced relocations and, believe it or not, forced sterilization programs, just like our pall China.

10.) Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor. Combination of education with industrial production.

This is what we Americans call “public” schools, in reality they are force-tax-funded schools. Even our private schools are government regulated. Their purpose is to train the young to work for the common debt system and to indoctrinate them to be loyal to the government and never question what they are told. They are taught propaganda such as “majority rule” and “pay your fair share” which comes from the Communist tagline “from each according to his ability, too each according to their need” pure Marxist jargon. As for the combination of education with industrial production; the “public” school system was instituted for the burgeoning industrial world. They wanted to create a system that would produce a certain amount of skilled labor and a certain amount of unskilled labor, they didn’t want to educate the population to the point that they could ever stand up to the rule of the system, in other words they did not want educated voters, which is where the new term of uninformed voters comes from. The majority of voters don’t even know how the three branches of government work and that’s how they want it. For those who haven’t seen it I recommend ‘Waiting For Superman” it’s a documentary on the government school system that is really touching as well as revealing.

Those are Marx’s 10 steps to Communism and if America doesn’t qualify on all 10 steps we are well on our way to fulfilling the great dream of Communism.





I’ve just about heard all I can stand to hear about gun control. In an earlier post I explained that the gun show “loophole” doesn’t exist. It’s just an attempt at twisting public opinion. They call it a loophole because that word received the desired feedback in the focus groups, while coming out and saying “we want to ban the sale of firearms by private individuals” wasn’t well received.

That’s one of the lies they like to use, but not the only one. They like to tell us that we need to do this for our own protection. They say that we can’t sit around and let another Sandy Hook happen. Well good ol’ Piers Morgan had his second little town hall gun debate/witch hunt. At the beginning of the show he outright admitted that the regulations Obama is proposing, and he supports, will not prevent mass shootings, but he went on to say that this is the perfect time to put these things in place in the shadow of Sandy Hook even if the are only symbolic.

Democrats have been arguing that we have to restrict our rights so that we can prevent future tragedies knowing full well that they were full of it.

Obama jokes that “nobody is going to come take your guns away next week” as if his opposition on this point are all just paranoid. We know they won’t come for them next week or next month even, because they can’t yet. They have to follow the steps first.

First, they’ll limit your right to bear arms little by little as much as they can. Cut down magazine size, limit caliber, make weapons they deem too dangerous illegal. That type of thing.
Second, they will make the private sale of firearms illegal. They’ll do this by making background checks that private individuals can’t preform mandatory, or they may just come out and be honest. Haha
Third, they will make registration mandatory with steep fines and jail time for possession of an unregistered weapon.
Finally they will make possession illegal and have a deadline for handing over your arms, and since you are in their database they will be at your house the following day if you don’t turn in your weapons.

It may sound crazy but all you have to do is look back in history to see that it can and has happened all over the world, and not just in third world countries. In 1938 Berlin was considered the most progressive, and cultured city in the world. I bet there were a lot of people calling the Jews crazy when they started fleeing Germany, I bet a lot of those same people ended up in camps wishing they’d listened to their neighbor when they moved to America.

They are eroding our freedom little by little, killing the constitution slowly.


New York City is having a big problem with pharmacies being robbed for their opiate painkillers. Luckily the great and powerful Bloomburg has a great liberal solution.

Since people are stealing pills from pharmacies, Bloomburg has made a law, restricting the amount of narcotic painkillers that the hospitals can prescribe per person. They can now only prescribe three days worth of pain meds to a patient, it doesn’t matter if you just had back surgery.

If anyone can tell me how this will reduce pharmacy robberies, please enlighten me. I don’t see it, but maybe I’m just a little slow today.


Last month I explained what being a conservative means to me. Now I want to talk about why it is so dang impossible to have an intelligent conversation/argument with a progie.

I could sum it all up with just one sentence, but that wouldn’t be as fun and might not make for a good blog.

The reason that arguing with them is like arguing with a child is because they, too often, resort to an entirely emotional argument. That doesn’t mean I won’t do it, but it does make it an exercise in pointlessness.

Let’s just say the topic is tax reform. Conservatives and proggies both want tax reform but the manner of reform preferred is different.

I would argue that the top 1%, those earning more than $350,000, earn 17% of the total personal income but pay 35% of income taxes. Not to mention those people are the job creators.

The typical liberal argument would be to the narrative of, “that’s not fair.” The rich aren’t paying their fair share. Blah blah blah. I’ve heard it a million times.

In this case the facts are all against them so they resort to the childish argument that it isn’t fair, a purely emotional, factless claim.

Let’s take a look at the entitlement debate.

I may argue that the number of food stamp recipients increasing by 50% during Obama’s first term is ridiculous. We should drug test people on, what I call, “unearned” government benefits, not meaning social security that people have paid into their whole lives. Disability cases should not all be considered a permanent deal, they should have some rating scale and should be reevaluated periodically. People using an EBT card should have their options limited at the grocery store. They shouldn’t be buying steak and shrimp and junk food with tax payer money. If you’ve ever worked in a grocery store you know most of the people on food stamps are fatter and eating higher on the hog than others.

Any argument about food stamps automatically gets the “you don’t care about people, you want them to starve” or “some people need those food stamps to feed their children”.

I know for a fact that you will not starve on a diet of cornbread and peas with a little fatback, cause I’ve done it, and it’s a while lot cheaper than precooked, frozen food. Again they have no facts to back their argument and resort to their emotions.

I’ve argued with proggies until I was blue in the face using facts, studies, and such and I am almost always met with either altered results from a study or absolute emotional dribble. I’m hard headed though so I can rarely make myself realize I’m wasting my breath when I know I’m right, which is most of the time… unless you are talking to my wife.

    If you just can’t get enough of the
    truth you can find me on twitter @TrueStoreyBlog for more.

Speaker of the House, John Boehner, spilled the beans about Obama’s thoughts on spending cuts. In an interview with Stephan Moore, Wall Street Journal, Boehner said Obama firmly believes that America’s federal deficit is not the result of over spending, but is caused by “a health-care problem.” Boehner said, “They blame all of the fiscal woes on our health-care system.”

Boehner, reportedly told Obama, “Clearly we have a health-care problem, which is about to get worse with Obamacare. But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem.” Obama eventually replied, “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.”

Boehner went on to say that Obama is “unwilling to take on the left of his own party.” That’s why Obama refused to raise the retirement age for Medicare after agreeing to it. “He admitted in meetings that he couldn’t sell things to his own members,” said Boehner. “But he didn’t even want to try … We could never get him to step up.”

This news may surprise some people but for me it only verifies exactly what I already know. It is further evidence that, and it pains me to say this, the president of the United States of America is a spineless, ideological, narcissistic, sock puppet. For him to sit there and say that America “doesn’t have a spending problem” can mean only one of two things. He either has a sack the size of his big head or he is completely indoctrinated. I vote indoctrinated. Like Vladimir Putin said about Obama’s economic policy, “either he is trying to ruin America’s economy or he is just that stupid.”

Which do you think it is?


    In that order.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the liberals shouting about gun control, “we need to act”, “close the gun show loop-hole” blah blah blah. Well have you ever stopped and asked them what a “gun show loophole” is?

If you have and actually succeeded in getting an answer, you know they’ll start yammering about being able to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check. That’s a load of malarky.

If I, as a private citizen, have a firearm for sell, and you want to buy my weapon, you can come to my house and I can sell it to you without a background check. If I decide to go sell it at a gun show, same deal, no background check.

On the other hand if I am a federally licensed gun dealer, when you come to my gun shop I have to do a background check before I can sell too you. If a licensed dealer goes to a gun show they still have to do a check.

So where is the loophole? There isn’t one. When they say they want to close the “loophole” what they are saying is they want to stop private citizens from selling their property to another private citizen. Now next time you hear that blather, you can have a little fun with it.


With fiscal cliff “deal” done there are a lot of people who are feel, well, screwed over by their “representatives” in the 112th Congress. I happen to be one of those, so it seems like a good idea to me to find out who voted which way.

In my home state, Mississippi, all three members of the house voted no, including my rep. Alan Nunnlee. My senator Roger Wicker did not vote no.

In the Senate the deal went through with overwhelming majority 89-8. Here are the eight, Michael Bennet (D-CO), Tom Carper (D-DE), Charles Grassley (R-IA), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Richard Shelby (R-AL)

There were three who didn’t vote, Jim DeMint (R-SC), Mark Kirk (R-IL), and Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ).

Here is the list of reps in the house who voted nay.

Now I’m glad that they did do something about the “cliff” but for every $41 in tax increases we are getting $1 of spending cuts with this deal. If we don’t cut spending in Washington it won’t matter how high taxes are raised. Sure I’m glad there won’t be any extra thievery from my check next week but its the spending that is threatening our sovereignty as a nation. The debtor is, and always will be, slave to the lender, and right now we are deeeeep in debt to China, and China isn’t exactly a friend.

All I know is that I won’t forget Roger Wicker when his name comes back on the ticket. He has a lot of splaynin’ to do.
